Cyiza Jackson - No One Like Him Jacksons very first Album!

No One Like Him (2021)

Jacksons Debut Album!

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Tracklist & Samples
Titelliste & Hörbeispiele (30 sec.)

Cyiza Jackson - No One Like Him
No One Like Jesus
You Alone
Unending Praise
Praise Him
Jesus Loves Me
Key Of A Believer
Let It Be
House Of God
(He is so kind)
Schreiben Sie uns, wenn Sie Interesse an Jacksons Musik haben - Drop us a line if you are interested in Jackson's music
Spende per Paypal Der Ökumenische Eine-Welt-Kreis im Erbstromtal hat die Veröffentlichung des Albums gefördert.

The Ecumenical One World Circle in Erbstromtal valley has sponsored the release of the album.
Donate per Paypal

Kommentare zum Album / Comments on the album

Bettina H.
"Die Musik gefällt mir sehr gut. Man findet in ihr auch einen Ruhepol, was gerade in der jetzigen Zeit einem einfach gut tut."

Markus W.
"Die CD gefällt uns sehr gut - sowohl musikalisch, als auch vom Text und was die Gestaltung anbelangt."

I was born in Kigali (Rwanda) in 1998. Am the last born in a family of 4 children.
I only have a mother. My father died when I was only 3 months.

Although I graduated from school in Computer Science, I decided to pursue a career in music.
Around the age of 9 I started singing, so i grew up in love with singing and playing different instruments like piano and guitar.

In my church choir I worked as a singing teacher and then continued this career of music when I got in touch with the "Ecumenical One-World-Group of Ruhla (Germany)".
This was a dream to me because they helped me through my carreer till now.

I took part in a competition of the label "Moriox Media". They needed some few singers whom they can support and produce for them some videos and songs. With "Moriox" I did the cover of "There was Jesus" by Zach Williams which is loved by a lot of people (see video below).

Later I joined the bigger competition "The Next Popstar 2020" in our country which included many famous artists and great singers in the country.
We started when we were more than 1000 great singers. I succeeded and made it to the finals. Although I didn't get a chance to win I consider it a great success to have made it into the top four singers.
All these different challenges and music experiences are an incentive for me to continue pursuing my dream as a professional musician.

Media - Press(e)

Video: There was Jesus
Video: "There was Jesus"
(Great cover version)
Video: Einer der Wettbewerbsbeiträge von Jackson bei 'The Next Popstar' - One of Jackson's competition entries on 'The Next Popstar'
Video: Bei/at "The Next Popstar"
(Cover version of "Superstition") Jackson: No One Like Him (31.05.2021)
Glaube und Heimat: Der talentierte Mr. Jackson (23.05.2021)
Pressestelle Erfurt: Thüringer Christen unterstützen aufstrebenden Popstar aus Ruanda
Meine Kirchenzeitung: Unterstützung für Popstar aus Ruanda
idea e.V. - Ev. Nachrichtenagentur: "Patenkind" einer Thüringer Gemeinde ist Popstar in Ruanda
Blog of the Ecumenical 1World-Group - Blog des Ökumenischen 1Welt-Kreises
